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Up and Running

Time to get hands-on with Kubernetes.


We'll need to install two tools to create a cluster and to interact with that cluster, kubectl and kind.

Install kubectl​

First, let's install the Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl which allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters. You can use kubectl to deploy applications, inspect and manage cluster resources, and view logs.

kubectl is installable on a variety of Linux platforms, macOS and Windows. Find your preferred operating system below.

As mentioned in the installation guides, you can issue the command below to ensure that it installed successfully.

kubectl version --client

The above command will generate a warning:

WARNING: This version information is deprecated and will be replaced with the output from kubectl version --short.

You can ignore this warning. You are only checking the version of kubectl that you have installed.

Install kind​

kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters inside Docker containers (KinD - Kubernetes in Docker). It's only made for local development, not production, but is immensely useful. You can install kind for your appropriate OS using their installation guide.

kind create cluster​

All you need is the command kind create cluster and that will spin up a local Kubernetes cluster. But before you do, you can also create the cluster from a config yaml file with extra options. Create a file kind-config.yaml and paste in the code below. This adds annotations to the cluster node for it to work with an Ingress Controller. We will go into much greater details about the Kubernetes Ingress object later, but essentially it's a way of exposing your services to the outside the cluster, and doing intelligent path-based routing for HTTP traffic (e.g. routes to application A and routes to application B). This need to be set up during cluster creation and will come in handy later.

The extraPortMappings allow the local host to make requests to the Ingress controller over ports 80/443, so you can test an application routing with http://localhost/app-a for example.

kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
- |
kind: InitConfiguration
node-labels: "ingress-ready=true"
- containerPort: 80
hostPort: 80
protocol: TCP
- containerPort: 443
hostPort: 443
protocol: TCP

There are many other options you can add, such as giving the cluster a name with the --name flag, but by default the cluster is just named kind and that's fine to leave it like that. You can also set the number of master and worker nodes to match your production environment, but we wont mess with any of those settings.

Create the cluster and pass it the config file with the command below:

kind create cluster --config=kind-config.yaml

Hello, Kubernetes!​

Okay, we have our K8s cluster with kind, and we have kubectl to interactive with it. Let's get our first application up and running. We'll keep this section relatively simple, as we'll be using Kubernetes throughout course, so there will be plenty of opportunity to learn more in depth.

We can re-use the streamlit application from the Docker section. If you followed along, the container image address would be <your-dockerhub-username>/mystreamlitapp:0.1.0, but if not then you can use our pre-made one with justingodden/mystreamlitapp:0.1.0

Most basic version​


We can start with K8s' lowest abstraction, the Pod. This can contain one or more containers. In the manifest below, we have created a kind: Pod, named it my-pod, given it the specification to have one container named my-container, told it to use the image justingodden/mystreamlitapp:0.1.0 (or replace this with your Dockerhub username), and finally said to expose the container's port 8501 on the pod's port 8501.

Create the yaml file below, named pod.yaml in your working directory.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: my-pod
- name: my-container
image: justingodden/mystreamlitapp:0.1.0 # replace with your username if you'd like
- containerPort: 8501

To create the resource in our cluster use the following command:

kubectl create -f pod.yaml

The -f flag tells kubectl to use a file as a manifest for the object that you'd like to create.

We can test if this worked using the command below.

kubectl get pods

Hopefully if it went to plan, you should see an output like below; a pod named my-pod in the Running state, with 1/1 containers ready:

my-pod 1/1 Running 0 38s

Port Forward​

To view our application, can forward a port on our localhost to the port 8501 on the running pod. W can use local port 8888 with the command below:

kubectl port-forward pod/my-pod 8888:8501

To test this is working correctly, we can use the link http://localhost:8888 to see the application running.


Before we continue, we can use Ctrl+C to stop the running port-forward command, and use the command below to delete the pod resource from the cluster:

kubectl delete -f pod.yaml

Which should return:

pod "my-pod" deleted

More Robust Version​

Typically, you're not dealing with pods, but rather the deployments which manage the replication of pods; their auto-healing if a pod fails; and new app version rollouts and rollback etc.

And although port-forwarding in general isn't used in production and we will use it again just to test for this example, the previous example is even less representative of a prod environment as your traffic wouldn't go directly to a pod, it would go through a service which load balances across the available replicas of the app.

On top of this, since we didn't specify a namespace when creating the pod, the app was created in the default namespace which is also not common in production.

So let's improve on those.


First, lets create a namespace for this app's objects to be created in, which we'll call prod-app.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: prod-app

Create the namespace using the command below:

kubectl create -f namespace.yaml

You should see the below printed to console:

namespace/prod-app created


Next, let's create a deployment of the app, with 3 replicas (with spec.replicas: 3). The spec.template is the same as the pod above, apart from the added spec.template.metadata.labels where we labelled each pod with app = my-app. Labels are a very important topic in Kubernetes. They are key/value pairs that are attached to objects such as pods, and are used to identify objects that are relevant to users or other objects.

spec.selector.matchLabels tells the deployment object to manage any pods with the label app = my-app, and spec.template.metadata.labels applies the label to the pods that it will create (3 replica pods in this case). These have to match.

Also, note than in metadata.namespace we have specified to create the deployment object in the prod-app namespace that we previously created.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: my-deployment
namespace: prod-app
replicas: 3
app: my-app
app: my-app
- name: my-container
image: justingodden/mystreamlitapp:0.1.0
- containerPort: 8501

Create the deployment using the command below:

kubectl create -f deployment.yaml

You should see the below printed to console:

deployment.apps/my-deployment created


Let's now add a Service of type ClusterIP (accessible inside the cluster) to load balance requests to our pods. Just like the deployment above, services use labels to select which pod to route request traffic to. This is found in spec.selector with the value app: my-app. This must be the same as spec.template.metadata.labels in the deployment above.

We've chosen to expose port 8080 on the service, and have traffic directed to port 8501 on all the pods with label app = my-app.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-service
namespace: prod-app
app: my-app
type: ClusterIP
- protocol: TCP
port: 8080
targetPort: 8501

Create the service using the command below:

kubectl create -f service.yaml

You should see the below printed to console:

service/my-service created


Ingress objects are a relatively large topic to explore. Simply put, they expose HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster. Kubernetes doesn't by default have the ability to handle ingress definitions. Instead, we use a third-party ingress controller to manage our path-based routing ingress rules. There are a few options, but the most popular and the one we'll use is Nginx Ingress Controller.

Nginx provide easy ways to install all the components necessary. We can use the specific manifest below which is specifically set up for use with a local kind cluster:

kubectl apply -f

We can wait until the controller is ready with the command below:

kubectl wait --namespace ingress-nginx \
--for=condition=ready pod \ \

Now we're ready to create an Ingress object. As mentioned, ingresses are worth reading up more on. But for now to highlight the important parts: they can have many routing rules in spec.rules. Here we just make one. We specify an http rule, with one path. We're using the regex (.*) to match any string. The rule says that if the url path /my-app plus anything else afterwards (e.g. /my-app/anything/else/etc) then route that to backend.service with name = my-service (the one we created above) on port 8080.

Now the problem is, if we go to http://localhost/my-app, this would redirect the request to the service as http://my-service:8080/my-app. But our app does not have anything set up for path /my-app/. It is expecting traffic on the root / path. So we use Nginx's rewrite-target functionality with the annotation /$1. $1 refers to the regex match position, where everything after /my-app/ goes to the $1 variable and the url is rewritten to just that. So /my-app/ would become /, and /my-app/other would become /other

kind: Ingress
name: my-ingress
namespace: prod-app
annotations: /$1
- http:
- path: /my-app/(.*)
pathType: Prefix
name: my-service
number: 8080

Create the ingress using the command below:

kubectl create -f ingress.yaml

You should see the below printed to console: created

Finally, to see if our work paid off, we can navigate to http://localhost/my-app/ and we should see our application running.


To delete the objects we created:

kubectl delete -f ingress.yaml
kubectl delete -f service.yaml
kubectl delete -f deployment.yaml
kubectl delete -f namespace.yaml

kind delete cluster​


We would not recommend deleting the cluster now, as we will be using it in the next section (and indeed the rest of the course - unless using a cloud k8s service). But just for your information of how to delete the cluster.

To delete the cluster, we can use the command kind delete cluster.